This Blog is about Job, Health, Money and Family after you had reach the golden 45. Tips I know to find happiness for the next phase of your career, family, business, personal development, business opportunities, motivation,...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The fonts are larger now
So, the solution is to have larger font. Does that make it better for you to read? Life is always filled with all kinds of challenges. At every stages of our life, we face different challenges. Very often, when we look back, we felt that those challenges in the past were not as tough as what we are facing now. As if life is getting tougher and tougher for everyone of us. Really, is that just a perception or reality?
I think, all are just our perceptions. Anything new is always viewed as more difficult.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Accepting what is bestowed on you.
Learning and getting ready to receive or accept the great fortune that has been bestowed upon you can be the most difficult task that you have ever done. In our life, we long for good luck and good fortune. The question is, when these good luck and good fortune is being bestowed upon, will you be ready to accept it. Or, are you still having doubts about yourself. Are you going to doubt if that is for you? Are you still doubting whether you reserve it? In fact, I had come to realized this only recently. Looking back, I realized that there were many opportunities presented in front of me and I was not ready to take them.
I was not think logically at those times and I was not sure if I did reserve to accept those goodies. I was too humble and I used to believe that being humble is a good virtue. The believe was to give and not to take even you reserve it. Now I realized how wrong I was and I decided that from now on, I will gladly receive and accept any good things that comes along the way. There is no need to be too humble about it since you had work for it.
Another thing I learn was that if you want some thing, please ask for it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Three Challenges in our life
Hardly, you find someone who has none of the problems unless the person is mentally challenged. So, my point is: if you have any or all of the three problems listed, you need not worry. If are not alone. It should not make you unhappy. You can still be happy even if you have all the three problems. As I said, all you need to do is to learn to be happy regardless of the challenges you are facing right now. There are only two choices. One is to learn to face it and the other is to remain unhappy for the rest of your life. You need to make the choice.
In order to survive, we need to find the slightest reason to start to be happy. By constantly reminding yourself about your worthiness and be happy at every opportunity available, you will find yourself more product and positive and eventually more confident and able to focus more. Your life will start to improve and you will find that those challenges are no longer a concern anymore.
You will learn how to deal with them better. They won't just go away. Just that you know how to deal with them and not be badly affected by them.
Learn To Be Happy part 2: If you have 3 challenges, you are normal. You can still be happy!
Wealth Lesson 3: Keep Yourself Happy!
Monday, January 15, 2007
How To Be Happy
If your answer is yes, then, congratulations. You are one of the few people who truly understand what life is all about. You ought to share this secret with the rest of people.
If your answer is no, then, why not? Do you know what you are unhappy about?
Now let me guess. Firstly, you are not rich or you are not rich enough to be happy. You job sucks. Your boss sucks. Your spouse is not understanding. Your spouse is lazy. You are jobless and it has been more than a year and you just can't get a job. Your business is losing money and customers are just no coming. Your children is having problem with their school work and you are dead worried about their future.
The truth is you will never be happy even if you do not have any of your current problems. The most biggest problem that most people have is not about any of the problems above. All those problems can be resolve somehow. But the biggest problem is when you don't know how to be happy. The biggest problem is when you have forgotten about how to be happy. If you are one of those people who has forgotten how to be happy because all the problems listed above have
drained away all your enthusiasm about life, then, you need to listen to this.
Yes, you might have lost your skill to be happy. You need to relearn it as if you are a small kid of 2-3 years old. Try to recall the time when a small candy bar will make you happy and start to re-learn how to get that feeling back to you. From now on, find an opportunity to make yourself happy. Your friend gives you a compliment. Thank him and be happy for a while. Stop doubting that your friend wants to borrow money from you. You child makes a tiny improvement in his or her grades, congratulate him or her and be happy about it. Yes, re-learn the tiny things in life and start to be happy.
Learn & Practice hard and make it permanent in you.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wealth Lesson 2: Steps to build pre-requisites to Success
The first thing you need to do is to have full faith. 100% believing that you will achieve your goal. This may sound very straight forward but you will be surprised that how frequent you let negative thoughts creep into your mind. An in my opinion, this is the first and most difficult hurdle that you will face in achieving your goals. You must be very determined and very consistent in "cleaning up" your mind to ensure you have a very healthy and strong mind.
Take the first step now clean up all the negative beliefs and just simply said that you will achieve your goals. Even though you do not believe it now, it is alright. Just keep telling yourself 2 times everyday. In the morning when you wake up and at night before you sleep. And tell yourself that you will dream of success when you sleep. Start to think about what you will be doing when you have achieved your success. If you are thinking of being wealthy, then, think of what you will do when you have achieved that. What kind of house and what kind of cars etc. If you are thinking of helping people, imagine how the people who received your help will react. How their face will be beaming with lights of hope and how you greet them and how they greet you etc.
The next thing is to condition your mind for success. This is very logical step to do. In the first place, you mind is not aware of what you want to do. Don't think that your mind knows what you are thinking. Your mind actually has different "department" just like in a big business organisation that you work for. One department may not be aware of what the other department is doing unless there is communication. So, you need to communicate with different parts of the mind so that everyone is moving towards the same goal. At the same time, you mind has not been trained to do the task. You need to train it. You need to condition it. Your mind need to be prepared for it. So key conditioning steps will be given in the due course.
First Step: Strong Faith in Yourself
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Wealth Lesson One: Create Wealth Consciousness
Be grateful for whatever amount of money you receive. Do not feel bad about how small the amount is. Each and every little bit adds to the accumulation of great wealth. When you are grateful, you will be happy and your subconscious mind will be able to receive the signal of receiving money. So starting from now you must think positively about receiving any amount of money. No amount is too small. Imaging if you receive $0.01 one billion times. It will add up to
$10 million. That is how wealth is created. You have heard of super rich people earning money through selling small items earning a few cents per sales. But when the volume is huge, the amount adds up. Imagine you earn $0.10 each from 10 million people every year. You will get $1 million each year.
Make that change in your attitude now.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Have you read the any book by Robert Kiyosaki? If you had, you would have been familiar about the 4 Cash Flow Quadrants - ESBI. For many people who has been in the E quadrant, myself included, there is a very fine line between S & B. Until you really get yourself into S quadrant, you may not appreciate truly the differences.
After getting into the S quadrant for about 2 months, I started to feel the constraints of being in the S quadrant. There is this feeling of not being able to grow. The lack of growth can be very stressful because it can cause you to be in a different kind of fear. To me, being in the S quadrant is no better than in the E quadrant. The uncertainty is the same if not higher. In fact, it can be worse than being in the E quadrant.
If your trade is job by job basis, you are like being in the E quadrant again and again. This can be even more frustrating than the E quadrant. The only consolation is that any frustrating jobs is a short term thing. But, what is the difference of being in the E quadrant? You can also seek out another employer just like in the S quadrant where you seek out another customer.
In conclusion, S quadrant is not much different from E quadrant. If you want to gain more freedom, you need to move to B or I quadrants as quickly as possible..