If your answer is yes, then, congratulations. You are one of the few people who truly understand what life is all about. You ought to share this secret with the rest of people.
If your answer is no, then, why not? Do you know what you are unhappy about?
Now let me guess. Firstly, you are not rich or you are not rich enough to be happy. You job sucks. Your boss sucks. Your spouse is not understanding. Your spouse is lazy. You are jobless and it has been more than a year and you just can't get a job. Your business is losing money and customers are just no coming. Your children is having problem with their school work and you are dead worried about their future.
The truth is you will never be happy even if you do not have any of your current problems. The most biggest problem that most people have is not about any of the problems above. All those problems can be resolve somehow. But the biggest problem is when you don't know how to be happy. The biggest problem is when you have forgotten about how to be happy. If you are one of those people who has forgotten how to be happy because all the problems listed above have
drained away all your enthusiasm about life, then, you need to listen to this.
Yes, you might have lost your skill to be happy. You need to relearn it as if you are a small kid of 2-3 years old. Try to recall the time when a small candy bar will make you happy and start to re-learn how to get that feeling back to you. From now on, find an opportunity to make yourself happy. Your friend gives you a compliment. Thank him and be happy for a while. Stop doubting that your friend wants to borrow money from you. You child makes a tiny improvement in his or her grades, congratulate him or her and be happy about it. Yes, re-learn the tiny things in life and start to be happy.
Learn & Practice hard and make it permanent in you.