Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Good, Truth & Success

When you are downsized, redundant, or whichever word your previous company uses on you. What is you first reaction? What is your state of emotion during then? Dejection, Shock, Disbelief, Worried, Angry, Dumbfolded... All these are just normal human reactions to somethign negative. No big deal. I said, NO BIG DEAL!

You disagree. Because you have mortgage to pay. You have car loan to service. You have to pay for your children's school fees, childcare fees. You have to pay for your meals, transportations. You little savings.

I KNOW! Just Listen! Didn't I told you that you need to relook at your expenses? But, let me tell you this: This is NOT THE TIME TO PANIC.This is the worst time to panic. This is not the end of the world. When you sit back and take a closer look, you will find a way out. Follow the method I told you earlier.

Now after you have settled your expenses, you started to look for jobs. You send in applications after applicaitons. Guess what? 3 months has gone past. You have not gotten any interviews! Now you are down. You mood is down,down, down... You don't think there is hope...

Let me let you this: Whether you think your life is full of hope or there is no hope, either way, you are right! What? I must be nuts to tell you that! NO! I am not. You must keep up your Hope, your spirit. Your thoughts will be reflected into everything you do. Including your application letters and your resume. More importantly, your family and friends.

In my 9 months of searching for something to do, I had kept constantly reminding myself to stay POSITIVE. My children, my friends never felt the pressure when they are with me. I want them to be hapy and I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!

You must only think of GOOS, TRUTH and SUCCESS at this point of time. Believe me. Nothing Else Counts.

Let me tell you the Ultimate Survival Skill #6: POSITIVE THINKING

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