Sunday, September 17, 2006

While You Are Employed

Try to Keep Your Current Job

What is the most important thing to do when you are still employed? The key thing to do is to protect your current position. Every dummy knows that.

Protecting your current position calls for some of the following common sense.

  1. Constantly Upgrade your skills.

  2. Keeping your eyes and ears open

  3. Looking out for signposts

You need to constantly upgrade your skills for your current job but more importantly, your future job. Be aware of potential changes that may happen to your organisation that may affect your current position. Be aware of what possible future positions you may be heading towards to. If you are like what I was, without any career path for future in your organisation, you should be focusing on skills that will make you employable outside of your organisation.

Don't keep your heads down working hard. Companies don't rewards hard workers these days. Hard work may not pay. Works smart. Be conformed. In order to do well, you must conform. You must speak the same jargon as your boss. If you can't do it, you can hire contract staff to do it. Come on, there is no secret these days that only contract staff are doing the actual work. The so called “permanent” staff are just playing the politics. That is their main role. You can't blame yourself for doing that. In any case, you are rewarded more playing politics that doing actual works. Actual works are for contract staff. Don't you get it? Keep your eyes and ears open and learn quickly these skills.

Look out for signs of problems. If you have access to companies financial well being, you should have an idea when the business may become unsustainable. Make contacts to head hunters (employment agents) and explore possibilities.

Market yourself in your own company if you think it is worthwhile to stay. Whatever good things you have done must be noticed. Appear positive always, especially when you are in front of your bosses. Nobody likes negative people. Only you know what you are talking about.

Develop your plan B

If you find yourself having problem developing skills that is needed to take you into the next phase within your organistion, start to explore opportunities outside. Look out for other opportunities in other organisations. Contact friends, customers, suppliers who may be able to provide you with that opportunity.

Again and again, I want to stress, Manage Your Finance.

Start to scrutinise your expenses and calculate your real wealth. That is how many moons you can survive with your cash when you are booted. Many financial consultants would advise that you have at least 6 months of buffer. My suggestion is to have at least 12 months. If you can maintain current life style for 6 months, that is all right. If you can change your life style and stretch it to 12 months, that is even better. I have seen people (typically mid managers) taking 6-12 months before getting the next income. I am not talking about job here. If you start something of your own, your income may flow in 12-18 months later and may be in such a small quantity that is not even sufficient to support your reduced life style.

Oh, yeah, I have updated some ads in this blog. These are called Google Adsense. That is one way of making money on the Internet. If you click on these ads, I will make some money. So, you can help me to make some small changes by clicking on these ads whenever you visit my blog. :)

If you are looking for home business opportunities, you can visit this website called Biz Generator at

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