Today, I want to talk about FEAR!
I heard about this cruel experiment done on a prisoner who was condemned to die. He was told if he would consent to an experiment and lived through it, he would be freed. He consented. They wanted to see how much blood a person could lose and still live. They arranged that blood would apparently drop from a cut made in his leg. The cut made was very slight, from which practically no blood escaped. The room was darkened, and the prisoner thought the dropping he heard was really coming from his leg. The next morning he was dead through mental fear.
Don't let Fear Kill You!
Today, our biggest challenge is to conquer our own Fear. We almost Fear Everything. We Fear of Losing our Job! We fear of not able to make our family happy! We fear of not having enough money to retire! We fear of our children not being able to coupe with their future! We fear our investment will go wrong! We fear our parents will fall sick! We fear we may fall sick! We fear of the sky will fall down! What else we can't fear?
We must make our choice: Stop Living In Fear!
When you feel Fear is your inner self. You need to overcome it consciously. Don't be worried if you have stress. Some experts said stress is good. It keeps you going. Have faith in yourself.
Survival Skill #14: Stop Living In Fear!
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