Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fighting the Ghost Within!

What is really making you unhappy? Is it your boss? Your colleagues? Your job? Your spouse? Your children? Your neighbour? If the answer is one of these, you need not be unhappy. Why? You can resolve all of these issues. You can change company so that you have new boss and new colleagues and new job. You can talk to your spouse, your children, your neighbour about how you feel and seek their understanding.

But, in most cases, external factors are not real cause for unhappiness. The fear within you is the major culprit. Let me tell you that the fear within is the ghost within and it is the most hidden cause of all unhappiness. It is so hidden that very few people in this world ever realised it. It is so hidden that most of the people take the blame on others. Most people, without realising the real reason for their unhappiness, make excuses for it. Some will blame it on their jobs. Some blame it on the lack of financial achievements.

When you examine deeper into it, you should start to ask these questions. Are you really short of money to spend? What is it that you are not able to do? What is stopping you to make more money since you need more money? Did you ever try to take on another job? Did you really think hard enough to generate more money? Have taken a stock of your skills that you can sell your service to make some extra money? I make $2000 extra by writing some programs for a few customers during the night. There is opportunities everywhere if you care to find them.

The key thing is to find out the ghost within you and kill it, overcome it. Do not live in blame.

Success Requires No Explanations and Failure Permits No Alibis

Take ownership of your unhappiness and address it now. Kill the ghost withn, kill the beast within. Live life with greatest faith in believing that you will achieve ultimate happiness! Do question yourself anymore. You are born to be happy. Leave the worries and fear behind you and move ahead.

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