Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wealth Lesson One: Create Wealth Consciousness

Creating Wealth Consciousness

Be grateful for whatever amount of money you receive. Do not feel bad about how small the amount is. Each and every little bit adds to the accumulation of great wealth. When you are grateful, you will be happy and your subconscious mind will be able to receive the signal of receiving money. So starting from now you must think positively about receiving any amount of money. No amount is too small. Imaging if you receive $0.01 one billion times. It will add up to
$10 million. That is how wealth is created. You have heard of super rich people earning money through selling small items earning a few cents per sales. But when the volume is huge, the amount adds up. Imagine you earn $0.10 each from 10 million people every year. You will get $1 million each year.

Make that change in your attitude now.